
generated with Midjourney AI

Frenemies was created in response to the challenge of AI. Is it art?

The current price is $385.83 USD. It is exactly the cost of materials plus paying the human who did the legwork minimum wage for Washington State. It does not include the time it took to learn the tools, business costs, or equipment depreciation. The price goes up each time the work is displayed in a new venue.

Guerilla Girl Gallery

Conceptual artists use their work to question the notion of what art is, and to critique the underlying ideological structures of artistic production, distribution, and display.

Guerilla Girl Gallery is Terri Griffin’s largest, most meaningful work to date. Her medium for this work of art is Instagram.

This description of conceptual art from the Museum of Modern Art in New York reflects her purpose. She views the human element as the integral part in distinguishing a work of art from a visual image.

Guerilla Girl Gallery is both a virtual work of art and a gallery of real people. There are no walls. There is no location. It is about personal connection and human equality. It questions how art is valued in a changing world.

Social media builds community when people work together to create meaningful connections. Following, liking, commenting and sharing is currency. It is a way for anyone to engage with others at no cost to help them be seen.